Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Spot the Vegan.

 Hey guys! I'm going to be using this blog for my Twenty Percent Project. Basically, by the 24th of May, I will have uploaded five original recipes if not more. These recipes will be vegan and delicious! They, of course, will be completed with a picture of the result and step-to-step cooking instructions so you can make it for yourself. I will also write three reviews on vegan restaurants so you guys can check out a new place to dine! 
Now for this project I need a mentor. I have asked my favorite teacher, Mrs. Bellfield, to mentor me because she used to be a vegetarian in college. Although she is no longer a vegetarian, she still believes the cause behind it.  
I do expect some challenges with this choice of project. I have to manage my time and come up with recipes while balancing other priorities in my life; I will overcome it though. I will come up with recipes with my mom on weekends and update this blog rather than procrastinate on my other blog. Yes Tumblr, I am talking about you.
If you have any questions/ comments feel free to ask (whether it be about the recipes/ recommendations  or even how to become vegetarian) you can email me at bornasloth@gmail.com.

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