Friday, April 26, 2013

I Did A Thing Once.

Hey guys! A pretty big event happened yesterday and I'd like to share it with you. As you may already know, this whole blog is apart of a school project called the 20% project. Yesterday I pitched my idea (my idea being my goals of creating original vegan recipes, reviewing vegan restaurants, and extra how to's/ recommendations). For this event, everyone had to make some sort of visual and present it to anyone who was interested. I made an extremely colorful poster that explained my goals and I put my original recipe for vegan chocolate cupcakes with butter cream frosting. (I will be uploading that recipe on here this weekend!)
yes i drew this I know I'm a pro. Official Happy Pig logo fer sure.

Here's the thing about pitching the idea to strangers: I kind of hate public speaking and will pretty much avoid it unless I'm feeling comfortable enough, which is rare. So while I was smiling at all the onlookers, my in-head-conversations were based upon the the paranoia of looking awkward and speaking like a fool. Although I'm sure I did just fine, my brain just likes to come up with worst case scenario possibilities  because, well, because it can.

Public speaking isn't everyone's forte, but this was kind of an accomplishment for me. I didn't say anything stupid for once! In fact the only thing that I wish I had done was bring the cupcakes for test tasting. But that's alright, I brought them for my teachers today and they literally ate them within seconds and with every chew they expressed how they couldn't even tell that it was vegan.

I was requested by a vegetarian on-looker to write a review on the Veggie Grill at the Irvine Spectrum. I most certainly will chose this as one of my restaurants to dine at. If you have any requests/comments/questions feel free to comment them on the blog or email me at

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