let us begin
Things you shouldn't say to a vegan/ vegetarian but do anyway for some reason I can't actually comprehend:I'm not saying everyone does this but lot of people do. Now some questions are harmless, such as why did you go vegan? or Wait do you eat fish? or even so where do you get your protein?
But really it's in the tone that one says it in. If one should hint that they are disgusted rather than curious, I wont even begin to answer their questions. I have to respect that they eat meat and they have to respect that I don't.
But if you are a meat eater and should ever come across a vegan, god forbid you taunt them with your meal. No matter the tone you apply, it will be offensive if you dangle bacon before their eyes and ask if they miss it. It is distasteful to tell a vegan that they absolutely need meat to survive, and then tune them out when they tell you of a diet that is only beneficial.
But to get to the point and answer some questions that are asked on repeat 24/7:
Yes. You can eat meat in front of me.
No. That burger does not look good.
No. I wont stop talking to you just because you ordered a steak.
No. I'd appreciate it if you didn't shove your meal in my face, thank you very much.
No. I cannot eat fish either.
Yes. Fish is an animal.
Okay, lets just say I don't eat anything with a face.
Yes, I do eat gold fish and animal crackers. hehahaw.
Fine, I don't eat anything that poops. Good enough?
I am not lacking iron nor protein, alright?
I eat tofu, soy, veggies, fruits, bread.. really anything you eat just no meat.
I don't actually care that you attempted to be vegetarian for a day... That's not the same thing..
I do it because I am not comfortable with eating innocent friends.
Yeeeees, I can eat cheese.
Please don't bring up stories of when I used to eat meat.
No, for the tenth time, I can't eat fish.
Are you really asking me if I would like a bite of your ham sandwich?
No.. I can't just pick out the meat.
What? No. If you're asleep and you eat a bug that doesn't count as breaking your diet..
How do I not eat bacon? ....by not putting it in my mouth while manipulating my jaw into chewing it up and swallowing.
It's actually not hard.
Wow you've read a lot. Time for an intermission. <--Click on this link yay
If you are vegan/ vegetarian and you are forcing your beliefs upon someone:
Well thanks for reading this post! I'd love to hear any questions or comments. You can email me at bornasloth@gmail.com
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