Friday, May 17, 2013

A wild Bellfield appears!

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the title of this blog. Because Bellfield is close to Bellsprout. Like the useless Pokemon. Not that my ninth grade English teacher/ Gay-Straight-Alliance club adviser is useless, because quite frankly she is fabulous. But I mean come on give me credit.
So Liberty Bellfield used to be vegetarian in college but eventually went to peskatarian. I decided to ask her some questions about her experience of going veg.
Mrs. Bellsprou-field went veggie when she was about twenty one. Her reason for doing so  was "It's better for the planet and it's generally healthier. The benefits of going vegetarian are lower rates of heart disease and cancer. I also felt like I wasn't aware of ingredients in the products I buy from everyday grocery stores." She certainly didn't find it hard to go veggie because "I didn't like meat anyway so it was no big deal." She gets her protein from dairy products and a shout out to Mexican food is necessary because it was always an easy option for her to enjoy.

If you have any questions for Bellfield or me, email me at

COMING SOON: to internet near you
I also interviewed my friend from Canada. She is a brilliant vegan and even uploads tips and info to her youtube account, which gets A LOT of views. Meet her in the next blog!

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